Organic Mentoring Conference

by design ministries is hosting an Organic Mentoring Conference!rawpixel-648563-unsplashGod commands us to pass on our faith to those who follow behind, whether we are eighteen or eighty. Labels vary, from mentoring, discipling, coaching, or spiritual mothering, but the purpose is similar – to help women become all-in-fully-developed Christ-followers. Young women hunger for these kinds of life-strengthening relationships. Mentoring methods and styles that worked for older generations don’t work today. Young women crave a more organic, natural connection. The spiritual futures of generations of young women are at risk unless older women learn to love, understand, guide, and walk with them. You’ll come away from this conference with a new vision for mentoring and new confidence to connect with the next generation!When: Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 9:00 a.m-4:00 p.m.Where: Immanuel Church, 301 Boston Rd. Chelmsford, MAWho: All ages and stages of women!What: Three general sessions with speaker and author, Dr. Sue Edwards, from Dallas Theological Seminary. Our day will include inspiring worship, small group discussion, Q &A with our speaker and a next generation panel discussion.Cost: Individual registration: $47; Group (5 or more) $42, Women 30 years or younger, $20. All registrations include lunch. Additional late fee of $5.00 after October 29th.How: On-line registration and more detailed information about this conference is on our website. You can also contact us at or 978-710-4455. Group rates are available.

Church Publicity Packets are available upon request

Sue Edwards says in her book Organic Mentoring, "We don't realize that most young women today are not looking for a Bible-answer-woman. Instead, they want an honest woman with whom they can process life."Please join us on November 5th for this exciting and enlightening event!


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