Partner with Us
We’d love to have you help with the practical tasks of administrative work, networking, hosting, advising, and other areas. If you have a heart to serve, we need you! Additionally, we need more facilitators for our Together Groups.
Wouldn’t it be great if finances were never a concern? However, with any ministry venture come expenses. Maybe God is calling you to invest in eternal things by sharing the financial blessings that He has given to you. A monthly commitment (large or small!) or even a one-time gift would be much appreciated and would go far in this Kingdom work. It’s easy to donate online; for more information, click Donate or view our “Give” section below. (And remember that any gift to By Design Ministries is tax deductible.)
Committing to pray regularly for By Design Ministries is perhaps the greatest gift you can give. If you would like to partner with us in this way, please contact us and we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop! You can pray for our Executive Director, Board of Directors, and staff members as we seek the Lord’s direction for this ministry. Pray that the Lord would continue to provide for our financial needs.
You can promote this ministry to women in your network. Gather some friends to attend an event together, or even make plans with us to hold one of our classes at your own church! Who do you know that would be able to benefit from By Design Ministries?
You can present this ministry to your church’s mission board, asking them to support By Design in their annual budget.
Thank you for considering a gift to By Design Ministries.
Your gift will enable women to contribute significantly to reaching our world for Christ. By Design Ministries will put your gift to work by assisting women in the discovery, development, and deployment of their God-given design for their lives.
Donations can be made by mail or on our secure online donation system.
To give online, click below on the amount you wish to give or enter your own preferred amount.
To donate by mail, make a check payable to By Design Ministries, and mail to:
By Design Ministries
P.O. Box 429
Hampstead NH 03841
By Design Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit (#272356914).
Giving FAQ
How is By Design Ministries supported?
Our ministry continues to be supported by contributions from individuals, women’s ministries and churches. As a nonprofit ministry we raise all funds for salaries and ministry expenses.
How can I join the financial support team of By Design Ministries?
Individuals or organizations wishing to support By Design Ministries financially may give online or send their gifts to:
By Design Ministries, P.O. Box 429, Hampstead NH 03841. Checks should be made out to By Design Ministries.
Will donations be tax deductible?
We are an approved 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. You will receive a tax deductible receipt for your donation.
Can I support you through electronic bank transfer?
Yes! Those who wish to donate electronically may do so with Enterprise Bank in Hampstead, NH. Please contact us directly for account information. You may need to direct your donations by speaking to a representative at your bank.