
Summer Sampler: Gratitude in the Midst

Summer Sampler: Gratitude in the Midst

In the mid-1980s, “Stress Test Biofeedback Cards” were all the rage. They were plastic cards with a colored scale and a testing square – you held the card with your thumb lightly pressing on the square and counted to 10. The color of the square told your stress score.

I think my stress square might be stuck on black based on the last 10 years of my life.

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Summer Sampler: In His Grip While in the “In Between”

Summer Sampler: In His Grip While in the “In Between”

Celebrate the seasons –– a time for everything! Solomon trumpets this theme in Ecclesiastes, championing that each season will be made beautiful in its time with God as its designer.

There are only a few people in scripture for whom we have the privilege of celebrating their seasons over a lifetime: Moses, Joshua, David, and Mary, to name a few.

But we have seasons of our lives as well! Seasons come and seasons go. Some arrive suddenly –– with the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, a sudden move to a new city –– the plot twists of life we never see coming. Other seasons arrive so gradually that we barely notice we’ve entered a new season. When did…

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A Focused Resolve

A Focused Resolve

What focused resolve on the part of both the mamma and her ducklings. They had to see the cars careening towards them, yet they walked on undaunted, focused on their goal, never wavering.If only I could do the same, focus on the goal with steadfast resolve, not looking left or right but persevering on in the knowledge that my Lord is faithful...

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Banishing "But"

Banishing "But"

Climbing out of a crevasse isn’t easy. It requires constant focus on Him, using the hand-holds found in His Word, and choosing to trust and believe that those hand-holds – His promises – are firm and true.

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Trusting God with the Future

Trusting God with the Future

Listening to the news, I’m challenged to believe for a better tomorrow – or at least one that’s no worse than today. Sometimes I slip into worry. I have to remind myself that God is sovereign.

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Trusting in the Dark

Trusting in the Dark

“For we live by faith, not by sight.”2 Corinthians 5:7

That verse has been a constant theme for me over the last several months. Our journey comes down to one thing … our faith in who He is and who we are in Him. Faith seems so counter-cultural in a world where we want to see and feel everything. We want to see proof before we sign on the dotted line. God’s Kingdom is the complete opposite. His Kingdom is one where there is an expectation of trust and belief even when we cannot see.

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Life is Different Now

The interviews I’ve been conducting have indicated that young women who had a spiritual mentor during their teen or young adult years tended to retain their faith. This month's question: How is your generation different from your parents’ generation?

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