The Hurrier I Go, the Behinder I Get!

By Marnie Wells

Oh the lazy, hazy days of summer. I have memories of a simpler time on our Maine “Happy” Farm that were just that – filled with the carefree days of youth.Today, life is FULL. The warm seasons of the Northeast are short and often are enough to send us into a tailspin; gardens, vacations, holidays, and celebrations all vie for space on our calendars (which never have enough days).Finally I’ve come to realize I’m THE one who needs to set the boundaries of my own life. I can hear many of you saying under your breath, “If only it were that simple!” Well, albeit not simple, it is doable, and I urge you to take the challenge. SLOW DOWNWells Marnie child runThere’s a saying that one should “come apart before they come apart.” No truer words were spoken! We live in a society that is running on caffeine and stress, and again, there is only one person who can change that formula: YOU!The Lord has so much good in store for you, you must not miss it!I urge you, dear one:Start today ...  carve out 10-15 minutes and sit quietly before Him and simply listen to what He has to say.Here are some Scriptures you can use in your quiet time.Choose one, read it, write it, pray, and listen for Him.1Timothy 2:1-3Luke 10: 38-411 Peter 5:7Psalm 46:10Proverbs 23:4Hebrews 13:51 Timothy 6:6-81 Thessalonians 4:11Philippians 4:11-13Matthew 6:25-27Psalm 84:11Choose to live a SLOW AND PURPOSEFUL LIFE.I promise you, LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!

Wells MarnieMarnie Wells opened her home as Gilead’s Balm in 2006 and can be found at She ministers to women primarily and offers her home as a place to “withdraw” to, a place of respite where one can find tailor-made solace, counsel, sleep, quiet, refreshment, and rest. She invites you ALL to call and come. Her home is a no-judgment zone, and many from near and far have experienced God’s Presence in a profound way.Marnie is also one of our featured speakers in the by design Speakers Directory. If you are looking for a Christian speaker for your special event, please visit our online directory or contact us to request a hard copy. 


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One Thing