Breathe, Rest, & Listen
As I settled into my chair for our opening evening of welcome and worship, I reveled in having nothing to prepare, nothing to lead, nothing I had to be “on” for. I could smile at each woman entering, or bow my head in preparation, just breathe, rest, and listen to God. Each and every year I attend, I find that I am renewed, uplifted, and refreshed.
What Does Apollo 13 Have to Do with Church Ministry?
He expects us to understand that lives are at stake – eternal lives. He expects us not to look around for someone else to do it or to stand about complaining about our assignment. Instead, He has equipped us to utilize every person He welcomes into the family and the supplies He’s provided to deliver a “square” gospel into the “round hole” of the times in which we minister.
How Long, Lord? David's Move from Fear to Song in Psalm 13
Do you ever get the irresistible urge to laugh during a serious moment? Chalk it up to immaturity, but I find myself in these moments frequently. I was in church recently during the pinnacle of a lesson and discovered a large spider slowly crawling up the speaker’s shirt.
Introducing ...
We are delighted to introduce you to our newest staff member, Heather North! It became apparent over the last year that we needed more staff to support all our ministry endeavors, so a new position was created for an administrative assistant. We launched a search and prayed that God would bring just the right person to by design. And He has.
Seasons of Refreshing
The word refresh means “to give new strength or energy to; reinvigorate.” With technology we refresh our devices – we restore their settings and clean out clutter so they function better. We need to refresh and restore our souls so we function better. Everyone around me is looking forward to having vacations or family reunions, but now that we are freer to enjoy life “as we think it should be,” how will you refresh your soul?
Leaving a Powerful Legacy of Prayer for Our Families
My grandmother’s regular prayers for her family made a lasting impression, and not only on me. When my grandmother died some years later, my mom and my aunt stood in the kitchen of our home and wailed: “Who's going to pray for us now?”
Can You Spare a Cup? (Partnering in Kingdom Work)
Serving is a little sweeter with by design ministries. Support is a little closer, community a little tighter, and growing a little easier.And that’s why we exist. For you. For the sake of the Kingdom.
Ready to Serve: Encouraged & Equipped
Knowing the by design ministries’ mission “to develop women who are servant leaders for the equipping of God’s church and the enlarging of His Kingdom” was freeing, as I wasn’t being recruited for something new but being fed, encouraged, and equipped to go back to my home church and serve where God had called me.
Designed for Community
In a quick Google search, you can easily find multiple studies that speak of the loneliness and isolation that can come along with being in ministry leadership. Leaders are often overextended, lacking in support staff, and so focused on serving others that they can forget to actually jump into the communities they are bringing together. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I know that, for myself, the first things to go when I am stressed or busy are spending time with God and quality fellowship with others.
A Night of Sweet Satisfaction: Reprise
On April 6th close to 200 women from over 40 churches spanning 4 states gathered at Trinity Baptist Church in Nashua for some sweet treats and fellowship and listened to speaker, Jan Carlberg, as she shared her talk on "Love Lifts for Sagging Spirits".
What by design Means to Me
In my skewed thinking, however, I put most of my energy first into ministry and expected my closest loved ones to understand and be satisfied with my “leftovers.” As tension mounted, I absurdly prayed that the Holy Spirit would reduce the amount of “need” my loved ones had for me in order to match the amount of “free time” I had available for them. Never underestimate the evil of over commitment!
Designed in Generations
It is so important to have women of all generations together. Our society often tells us the opposite. The young are characterized as flighty, lazy, and entitled. The old are characterized as out of touch or too authority-focused. These stereotypes are roadblocks to what our communities could be.
Every Day, by design
I was scrolling through Facebook but I wasn’t really seeing the screen. My mind was fully occupied by a problem for which there seemed to be no solution. I was busy envisioning various scenarios and playing out conversations in my head when something caught my eye. It was a quote from one of by design’s recent blog posts.
Kinship of Understanding
No man is an island, but it’s possible that in ministry we might feel like we’re isolated on one sometimes. The New England reality we all know is that our churches and ministries are typically not very large. The role that you are serving in most likely has some element of solitariness to it. Especially in the particular responsibilities you carry. Especially in leadership.
Designed to be Human
Women in leadership in ministry and beyond tend to be at a crossroads of expectations. They are often expected to be both meek and strong, in charge but not bossy, compassionate but not too emotional, in control but not heavy-handed, etc. This can create pressure to be perfect, to put on a facade, or to be “on” all the time. This becomes exhausting.
Zoom Lemonade
Online workshops always sounded like a good idea. It made sense for by design to share the training and resources that had previously only been available to women in New England, and we loved the idea of being able to expand our ministry around the world. But oh boy, it sure felt like a daunting task. With our staff already working crazy hours and our resources stretched to the limit, it just didn’t feel possible. So we put it off. For years. And then the pandemic hit.
Pandemic Pasta and a Tale of Forgiveness
“The shop is closed temporarily” read the sign. Immediately I suspected a case of the virus. Was I being judgmental?
Learning by design
When I first heard about by design ministries I wasn’t sure who they were or what they were all about. I just knew that I had a friendship with a woman named Kristi Stoughton who is on staff and I had a desire to hear about what she poured so much of her heart and time into.
What Does "by design" Do?
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked that question. I’ve been on staff here for almost six years and still, answering that question always stumps me.
It’s easy to just spout our mission statement:
“by design ministries is dedicated to the equipping and development of women for ministry that will advance the kingdom of God, with a special emphasis on the needs related to New England.”
It’s true, and it sounds good, but what does it really mean? More importantly, what does it mean for YOU?
A Good Father Takes the Time to Teach Us (Even What We Don’t Want to Learn)
When I was 16 and got my license, my stepdad made sure that before I was allowed to drive on my own, I had to learn how to change a flat tire and check and fill the oil. I first watched as he demonstrated both to me and then I had to do them each on my own while he watched. I found this all a bit annoying at the time and felt like he was just putting a damper on my excitement. I just wanted …