Cultural Infiltration of the Church

What is happening at WeConnect?

I think that the better question is, what isn’t happening at WeConnect?

As you may have read in our previous updates, the WeConnect team has been taking a leadership role in by design’s recent events. They inspired and planned the big “Satisfy” event that we held last spring in Nashua. And this month they took a leadership role in our annual Leadership Retreat.

On Friday night, Kimberley and Jessi took part in our Q&A panel, in which we discussed the cultural infiltration of the Church. Some of the questions explored topics such as,

  • What is wrong with culture infiltrating our churches? Is that so bad?
  • How have you seen culture affecting the faith of the community you serve?
  • What kinds of teachings/attitudes (beliefs) have you seen making their way into the church?
  • How can we tell if the change is due to culture shift vs. watering down the gospel?
  • How would you distinguish between an error to be opposed and a difference of opinion to be accepted?

As you can imagine, it was a great conversation! We recorded the session and will be sharing some of that with you in the coming months. (Edit: The session can now be listened to on our YouTube channel:

In addition, Kimberley and Sarah led worship for two of the sessions, and Jessi shared about the role of by design and its importance in the New England area.

We are delighted by the willing hearts and the wisdom of our WeConnect Leadership team. They are incredibly valuable to this ministry! We’re also looking for a few more young women to join the team. Here are a few of the characteristics we’re looking for:

  • Between the ages of 20 – 35.
  • A mature and actively growing Christian.
  • Reliable, and willing to commit to roughly 2 hours/month.

Please pray that God would bring the young women that He wants to involve in this ministry. And thank you again, WeConnect supporters, for your faithful prayers and your partnership in this important ministry!

Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep loving.

Kristi, for WeConnect


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