
The High Privilege of Knowing Gail MacDonald

The High Privilege of Knowing Gail MacDonald

As a young wife new to ministry and to life in New England, I was as green as the stalks of corn ripening back home in my family’s Illinois fields. I felt ill-prepared for life in the parsonage. Titus 2:3-5 instructs older women to teach younger ones. Where was the one who would “Titus” me?

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Sharing and Seeing by the Spirit

Sharing and Seeing by the Spirit

I feel very blessed to have many women in my life who have walked alongside me in my faith throughout the years. Women like my mom, my worship team “aunties,” Sunday school teachers, mentors in college, and mentors in my current ministry organization (informally or formally) have encouraged me and loved me in highs and lows. In this current season, I am especially thankful for Sam.

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Why Reinvent the Wheel?

Why Reinvent the Wheel?

Last month, by design ministries was invited to take part in the New England Discipleship Roundtable at Gordon Conwell Seminary. Christian organizations from all around New England gathered to share resources and discuss the current state of discipleship in our area. As you know, by design is passionate about mentoring and discipling the upcoming generations, so this event was an exciting opportunity.

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The JOY Found in Mentoring

The JOY Found in Mentoring

Mentoring and discipling young women is the heartbeat of by design ministries, and we know that many of you share our passion for impacting the next generations for Christ. But sometimes, even when you’re convinced of the importance of mentoring, questions arise...

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Designed in Generations

Designed in Generations

It is so important to have women of all generations together. Our society often tells us the opposite. The young are characterized as flighty, lazy, and entitled. The old are characterized as out of touch or too authority-focused. These stereotypes are roadblocks to what our communities could be.

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Designed to be Human

Designed to be Human

Women in leadership in ministry and beyond tend to be at a crossroads of expectations. They are often expected to be both meek and strong, in charge but not bossy, compassionate but not too emotional, in control but not heavy-handed, etc. This can create pressure to be perfect, to put on a facade, or to be “on” all the time. This becomes exhausting.

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Learning by design

Learning by design

When I first heard about by design ministries I wasn’t sure who they were or what they were all about. I just knew that I had a friendship with a woman named Kristi Stoughton who is on staff and I had a desire to hear about what she poured so much of her heart and time into.

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What Does "by design" Do?
Kristi Stoughton Kristi Stoughton

What Does "by design" Do?

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked that question. I’ve been on staff here for almost six years and still, answering that question always stumps me.

It’s easy to just spout our mission statement:

“by design ministries is dedicated to the equipping and development of women for ministry that will advance the kingdom of God, with a special emphasis on the needs related to New England.”

It’s true, and it sounds good, but what does it really mean? More importantly, what does it mean for YOU?

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