Out-of-the-box Thinking

We are connecting with other vibrant ministries! As we endeavor to help bridge the generational divide, we ask ourselves two questions:

  1. What are other people doing that is already working?
  2. How can we partner with them and support their work?

We’ve been particularly encouraged by the good work we see happening at Sister Bridges. They recently held an event called “The True Vine: A Walk Through the Life of a Vine.” Held at a local winery, this outreach event included appetizers and a cash bar. The winery’s vine manager walked them through the life of a vine, and women from the church shared parallels, offering insights to God’s design for life. The event attracted a wide audience, bringing together women from all generations.Wait, what? A Christian event at a winery? Yes. Exactly. This kind of out-of-the-box thinking is what is drawing people. In an age when few unbelievers will darken the door of a church, we need to offer opportunities to hear God’s truth in venues that will feel approachable and comfortable for those who are seeking. Sister Bridges is offering that opportunity to New England women!Like Sister Bridges, we, too, are working to think outside the box. Our newest endeavor is Bridge Gen: Building Bridges Across the Generational Divide. We at by design have developed a team of women who are committed to taking on the challenge to reach millennials for Christ, and we want to keep the conversation going beyond an event and into the churches across our region. With that goal in mind, we are gathering a series of small groups of women leaders from various churches in New England. Our purpose is to generate discussion that will inspire, inform and challenge us to reach young women for Christ and to encourage further understanding between generations.We want to ascertain your thoughts about millennials and how you and your church are being intentional with reaching this generation. We also would love to share with you some of the insights we have gleaned through our conversations with both young and older adults. If you are interested in hosting or attending one of these gatherings, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you!Thank you again for your faithful prayers and your partnership in this important ministry!Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep loving.Kristi, for WeConnect


Loving Your Neighbor


A Little Respect