Let Me Pray for You
We’re continuing our series with more of the information that came out of the Organic Mentoring Conference panel discussions. This post focuses on the question, "If you’re mentored by an older woman, what would make it work well, and conversely, what might hurt the relationship?"
Qualities of A Mentor
As mentioned in the last WeConnect Update, during the next few months I’ll be covering some of the information that came out of the Organic Mentoring Conference panel discussions. This month's featured questions: What qualities do you admire in older women? What would you look for in a mentor?
Life is Different Now
The interviews I’ve been conducting have indicated that young women who had a spiritual mentor during their teen or young adult years tended to retain their faith. This month's question: How is your generation different from your parents’ generation?
Leaving Church
Who is leaving the church? How does that differ from leaving the faith? What is their background? What are some of the factors that contribute to their choice to jettison the faith in which they were raised? These are some of the questions that we need to ask if we are to stem the flow of millennials leaving the church.